Thursday, March 15, 2007

Top 7 Ways To Use Your Intuition Within Your Job by Dan Knapp

Human beings come equipped with an intuitive sense. Many people ignore or reject the intuitive sense and their lives lack for the bounty it can provide.

Our world requires you to make decisions fast and you have little room for error. At the same time, you don't have many of the facts you need to decide as well as you would like. Yet, some people thrive while others flounder. Why? In many cases, using your intuitive ability makes the difference in mastering the real world.

Intuitive ability comes with the human condition. As with mathematics, chess, golf or cooking, the more you use your intuitive talent, the more skill with it you develop. As with gravity, you can claim it doesn't exist but violate it at your peril.

In this Top 7 list, you will learn seven basic applications for intuitive capacity and two basic ways to approach the development and use of your intuitive ability.

Part I - Environmental Scan

In this part you will specifically define what you want. The act of specific definition will tune your senses to detect your targets easier and quicker:

Information. Examples: marketing ideas, process improvements, demographics of your target market, accounts payable, accounts receivable, threats to your business.

Customers. Examples: clusters of your target market, changing needs, different applications of your product or service.

Opportunities. Examples: franchising opportunities, new products to bring to market, new customer problems, investment vehicles.

Once identified, preferably in writing, you will notice your information, customers or opportunities in circumstances where in the past you would have missed them. Once you notice, make note and take action. You will find the information, customers and opportunities quite tailored to your needs.

Part II - Dealing with Uncertainty

When you encounter uncertainty, your first step usually consists of imposing logic and deterministic techniques to select the most rational solution. Good as far as it goes. Your challenge is that in looking at options, you become mesmerized by their intended results.

Along with intended results, every decision made also falls victim of the law of unintended results. These are results, both good or bad, but unanticipated, that come from your decision.

Your intuitive ability allows you to select options based upon the combination of the intended and the unintended results. Of course, this assumption requires a leap of faith. Start with low risk opportunities to apply your intuitive ability and learn to trust it before betting the farm on a major decision. At the same time, check your current decisions with our intuitive skills and, if you see a conflict, try to resolve the conflict before committing resources. You must first learn to recognize your intuitive input and second you must develop the confidence in yourself to respond with your intuitive input.

Remember when you had a decision to make and all the facts supported a course of action? Deep down you had a feeling that the decision, although rational, was wrong. Did you go with your "gut feel" and later find the almost-chosen option would have been a disaster. Or, did you ignore the gut feel and encounter the disaster?

In each of the following applications, the system works the same. First, ask yourself if you have enough options! If you think you need more options, insist on obtaining more before committing to any course of action. Second, step away from the heat of the moment and ask yourself which option would really be best for you. Your first reaction is the right answer!

Decision making. Are you deciding a yes-no issue; a choice between two options; a choice among three or more options; or a choice where there are no clear options? Once you structure your decision and identify proposed courses of action, ask yourself which one really would work best. Go with that choice.

Problem anticipation. Ask yourself what can possibly happen. Once you have a slate of possibilities, ask yourself which one(s) really poses a serious threat. Take precautions against that threat.

Reading people. When conversing, what do you think about what the other person is saying? Keep in mind, they may be entirely sincere - just wrong. Reading body language helps detect lies, intuition detects honest mistakes. Use your intuition to ask additional questions or ask the other person to clarify their points. If a question comes to mind, immediately ask it. If the point seems vague, immediately ask for clarification.

Setting priorities. Yes, you can set relative priorities using whatever system works for you; but did you get the priorities right? When you set your relative priorities, ask yourself if you need to make adjustments. Go with the revisions your intuition feeds to you.

Intuition works for you, just learn to receive the message and take action on that message.
Dan Knapp, Personal & Professional Coach. Visit Dan's Web page for schedule of free teleclasses, subscribe to the free monthly newsletter "Tips from the Coach," read articles and complete mini-courses in personal development. Email for direct contact.

Dan Knapp
Personal and Professional Coach
Achieve Your Goals - Grow Your Business
407 679-9134 Orlando, FL


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